Our Vision

We strive to achieve our business goals with social development and minimal environmental impact

  • Safety and wellness
  • Cost
  • Speed
  • Volume
  • SEWA - Medical Clinic
  • SAVERA - In-house school
  • SAVAN - Free lodging facilities
  • SOLAR PANELS - Renewable energy

SEWA - Medical Clinic

SEWA - Medical Clinic

Medical clinic for LAULs employees and their families.

Problem Statement

Preventive health check-ups was happening less for employees especially laborers, they were going to doctor when they were only critically ill. Daily medication for small cough and cold was a burden also, and therefore people let the problems exacerbate instead of getting the right attention when it was small. Also people had to take a day off and go out of the company even for smaller issues like sprain leg.

Our responsibilities when serving as the General Contractor include:

Our Initiative

We established Sewa, a medical clinic and partnered with a hospital in the vicinity to staff it with doctors and nurses. All services are provided as benefits to employees and improvements in attendance and sick-leaves has made it a win-win for all stake-holders.

Results Achieved

  • Preventative check-ups has resulted in better employee health
  • Boost in morale
  • Less number of sick days and more time spend working rather than travelling to doctors
  • Health camps for check-ups are easier to set up
  • Provision to attend to emergencies within seconds

SAVERA - In-house school

SAVERA - In-house school

In-house school to provide education to employees children

Problem Statement

The idea of Savera was born as a CSR initiative when we at Lauls thought to offer a creche like facility for our workforces children.

  • Provide a safe, nurturing and high quality educational environment to employee dependents.
  • Encourage the students to be life-long learners while offering a home like surrounding.
  • Provide each child a level-playing field, each child gets to develop at their own pace.

Our Initiative

With the permission of Chief CSD, the school was built on land adjacent to the yard premises. We have created a kindergarten type facility with the children's safety as our top priority. Our teachers are trained to equip each student with the necessary skills and knowledge to be self-sufficient.

Results Achieved

  • Full time staff strength: 7 Full time student body strength: 40
  • Individual child focus: Teacher student ratio of 1:6.
  • Averaging one admission application weekly.
  • 2 students had been given special grant from the prestigious D.A.V. school in Faridabad.
  • 4 students have been admitted to English-medium schools in Faridabad on scholarship.
  • 8 children from nearby private schools come thrice a week for tuitions in the afternoon.
  • Dental and Eye checkup camps on a bi-monthly basis with accredited foundations.
  • Employee satisfaction has created a sense of belongingness, beyond remuneration to these families
  • Women are more free to do household chores, with positive influence in their home environment

SAVAN - Free lodging facilities

SAVAN - Free lodging facilities

Free lodging facilities for Employees and family.

SOLAR PANELS - Renewable Enery

SOLAR PANELS - Renewable Enery

In-house school to provide education to employees children

Problem Statement

  • Regular power availability is critical to our operations and is a huge challenge in Haryana
  • N.C.R. and especially Haryana has one of the highest prices of electricity in the whole country. The effective rate for our operations in Haryana is 12 Rs./Unit.
  • Ample availability of un-utilized roof space over our sheds.

Our Initiative

Lauls limited has mandated use of solar panels to take care of the base load at our facilities. The peak loads, such as crane operations are still taken care by state supplied electricity

  • Faridabad Stock Yard has a 23 KW Solar Plant
  • Prithla Stock Yard has 24 KW Solar Plant.
  • Haryana has started reverse metering, We have initiated feasibility studies to expand Prithla and Faridabad solar plants to 150 Kw each.

Results Achieved

  • Both the solar plants have helped cut monthly bill by roughly 50,000/ month.
  • Prithla stock yard has energy efficient LED lighting, almost 90% of base demand is being met by Solar.